Dominique Salm, Frederike Stokhuyzen and Sophie Walbeoffe

15 - 30 June 2018

Opening Drinks: Friday, 15th June, 6pm - 8pm


We are delighted to welcome back Dominique Salm, Frederike Stokhuyzen and Sophie Walbeoffe to the gallery.  We have had a long and successful association with all three contemporary artists and many of you will be familiar with their excellent and diversified work.  

As you will see this grouping rests heavily upon African roots and the images will undoubtedly stir many a memory. 

Whilst all of their styles clearly vary there is a unity in the quality of their work and this promises to be a very exciting and well supported exhibition. 


All work is available to purchase immediately - please call 01264 810364.


Please click on the adjacent image to view all works in the exhibition.